Mighty Ogbo Ponders

As I sit on my ever increasing arse pondering the 'Verse, one can only wonder how much of this life truly makes sense?

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Blank Screens Suck

You know how it gets. The palms get sweaty, the heart is in overdrive, the fingers twitch and the vision goes tunnel.
Am I about to make a complete and total arse of myself? I sorta hope so! If you can't make a complete arse out of yourself from time to time, then you're obviously not trying hard enough.

Yeah - go out on a limb, get a new haircut, make friends with a feral cat, learn a new language, fall in love with someone from an internet chat room and get spurned, or if totally desperate, start a blog.

So I type away, not knowing if this is just a passing fad for a few weeks til I get bored; a complete new start to my life; or some vague therapy-sort of thing which is fucking cheaper and makes more sense than the usual counselling by some half-wit who only makes you feel better by being obviously more insane than you are at any given moment.

Now - lets examine these vague blogging motivations for a second ...

  1. passing fad - it could be simply this , although I tend to think this could be rather addictive. Great! Just what I need - another addiction! Oh well, bring it on. Pile it on top. Could get interesting! Another 2 addictions and I get my Officially Cool card.

  2. new start - oh fucking get a grip Ogbo! You know that the "new start" concept and the internet combined only end in tears or religion. Had enougha both.

  3. therapy-thing - lets expunge the sad bits of my life into the unwary internet public like exploding pus from a boil which has unfortunatly erupted in the neighbourhood of my genitals. Nope - the internet has seen more than its far share of the like.

Perhaps its a game of follow the leader or something! ZuckerBaby - I could blame this all on her. Or Neil Gaiman's wonderful Blog. Or Wil Wheaton's amazing blog-lead transformation!

But no. Alas I have to admit that this is all for me. Selfish little shit that I am. To try and make more sense of the day to day struggle in the odd world of the Mighty Ogbo.

Yeah - and its back to fucking work tomorrow too!



At 3:45 pm, Blogger ZuckerBaby said...

Glad to see you're here!! Keep writing, it takes you over eventually...


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